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Solution Stories: Live Announcements App

Specialized external audio feeds can interact with pre-programmed music and messages during play-out: an example of CUBE’s modular architecture. CUBE is primarily a software-first company, and we're in our element when the software modules we've created can be assembled in new and innovative ways into new apps that solve different problems for clients.

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Solution Story: Customer Engagement Solution (CUBEngage)

ABSTRACT: Customer Engagement Solution captures prospect data, engages and educates clients, digitizes forms, and improves sales productivity.

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How Serving Customers is Easier with CUBE’s Technology, Custom Tools, and Software

What technology do you need to serve your customers better? We have it, and we want to help you.

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What Can Smart Hold Do?

Smart Hold is an upgraded Music On Hold (MOH) solution. A Smart Hold interacts with callers while they are on-hold. Here are a few examples of what Smart Hold with CUBE.fusion can do!

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The Back-End: How to make my 'On Hold' sound smart using CUBE.fusion

Having an amazing caller experience has never been easier...it’s become smart! We have created Fusion to help you give your callers a delightful caller experience.

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The Heart and Brains Behind Smart Hold

Smart Hold is a way to show your callers YOU care about THEIR time. It is no secret that picking up the phone and calling a business can quickly become a frustrating endeavor. You spend time in so many areas to showcase your excellent customer service, so don’t forget to tend to what callers will first hear when they call you.

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New CUBE Scheduling Feature – Expire Actions

Chester with CUBE here to share about a new feature rollout… a feature we’re adding to your account, and it is available as of today!

thumbnail for Moving into the future with better on-hold options for clients, providers and businesses.

Moving into the future with better on-hold options for clients, providers and businesses.

Don’t make your company seem like it’s in the 1970’s or 1980’s. Modernize your customer experience far more than making your lobby have digital signage for way finding, or a menu board at a restaurant.

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3 Limits to Traditional Broadworks MOH & How to Fix Them

One of the advantages to CUBE.fusion for BroadWorks is being able to have multiple messages for on-hold. Having multiple scripts will allow you to cross-sell, educate, and engage with customers. We can provide you with scripts, voice-overs, and planning on our end so that you can focus on what you do best. Read Now!

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The Importance of Good On Hold Music

On-Hold Music has become a standard for businesses to use in their telephone system, but it’s important to understand why it’s used, and how to use it correctly to achieve positive results.

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Creating Meaningful Customer Relationships in the Age of Tech (Infographic)

We are lucky to be living in an age when customer communication has never been easier. With plenty of wonderful technologies at our disposal, there are now many opportunities for businesses to engage with customers in a new and meaningful way.

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Are we creating a Secure Enterprise Internet of Things (EIoT)-Infographic

Learn about the current issues with EIoT in retail and learn why the CUBE is the ideal technology partner for retailers.

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Meltdown and Spectre Hardware Vulnerabilities? CUBE responds!

Last week a pair of vulnerabilities were announced: Meltdown and Spectre. The underlying vulnerability affects almost all modern processors from Intel, AMD, ARM and other manufacturers.

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How to Engage Millennials for Customer Insight and Marketing

Did you know that millennials will be responsible for 30% of retail sales by 2020? Find out how to target them in this infographic.

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The reality of being a retailer in 2017- Infographic

Shoppers now have 24/7 access to the internet no matter where they go and retailers need to embrace this rather than fear it. Find out more in our infographic.

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Good Customer Service – Infographic

No matter how innovative a company is, the basics of good customer service will always apply. Our infographic takes you through how to provide the best possible customer service and offers tips on how you can keep customers happy and loyal.

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Client Support: An Opportunity for Customer Engagement

Though I was able eventually to navigate out of support and to the dark art of sales, I came away with a few things that have stuck with me my entire career. I recently had a tremendous experience with Apple accessory company TwelveSouth, which I will share below, that reminded me of some of these.

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How Our Customer Engagement Strategy Works

CUBE’s combination of powerful remote management tools, real-time delivery and local control over the full audio and digital brand experience, ensures that any venue can deliver the most engaging experience to visitors, at any given moment, with minimum effort.

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CUBE is all about UPTIME for your business

The CUBE platform has diagnostic capabilities that are unmatched in the business music industry. Uptime means your staff at full strength, and systems at optimum levels. Find out about CUBE's unmatched client support.

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Why a CUBE Music Player for In-Store Music?

While music streaming is likely to remain popular with consumers, it is not a good fit for businesses, retailers or restaurants. There are overwhelming benefits in using a physical CUBE MUSIC PLAYER with CUBE In Store Music Services. Find out more!"

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DDOS Attack Stops the Music for Others – CUBE Responds

Because CUBE hardware is designed to keep playing music even when it cannot communicate with CUBE servers, clients serviced by CUBE affiliated partners never had any moment of silence during the recent DDOS attacks that interrupted Spotify, Pandora and others.

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Achieving Good Customer Service

Excellence in customer service simply cannot be ignored. How can you promote excellent customer service in your company? What are the layers of good customer service? How can you optimize good customer service at all stages of the sales funnel? Read on to find out.

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Digital Trends SMBs Need to Focus On

It always wise to keep up with the latest trends: In this infographic we summarize what you need to know about the digital trends that are growing in 2016.

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Shopper Marketing Trends and Strategy

Once a customer passes into your store, it’s your opportunity to get your message across within a limited timeframe. Here’s how!

thumbnail for CUBE releases the industry’s most powerful and easy to use music blending and separation tools.

CUBE releases the industry’s most powerful and easy to use music blending and separation tools.

Audio Marketing Professionals and Music Suppliers can now easily blend an unlimited number of music playlists and take advantage of built-in separation capabilities to ensure delivery of the best music experience, with minimal repetition of song titles and artists.

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The Power of Location Based Advertising & In-Store Music

76% of shoppers feel more relaxed in retail stores that play music. When the customer arrives at your store it is important that they are comfortable in their surroundings. Find out more now!

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Digital Trends : Understanding and Targeting the ‘Always-On’ Consumer

This info-graphic from The Cube explains how consumers are changing, how companies need to communicate with them, and identifies the key demands that need to be considered when interacting with the ‘Always-On’ consumer.

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Connecting a CUBE when Audio & LAN Connections Are Far Apart

Sometimes CUBE hardware must deliver audio to a point that is physically removed from a network connection. This paper outlines wiring strategies that can be used in such situations.

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Quality of On Hold Marketing in a VoIP Environment

This post addresses the issues surrounding the topic of audio quality on VoIP and cellphones, white noise bursts, G.711, G.729 and so forth.

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The Coming Inflection Point, Part 4: On-Hold and In-Store Business Gaps

Here we expand on this bottom-up research by reviewing the challenges and pain points for businesses and retailers where it comes to the desires of Joe Consumer and the implications for the on hold and in store industry.

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The Coming Inflection Point, Part 3: What Joe Consumer Wants

Now that we've established that major, disruptive changes are afoot, lets focus on how best you can set yourself up for future success. In this third post, we'll thus take the bottom-up approach of reviewing the challenges and pain points from the consumer perspective.

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Raspberry: Pi in the Sky?

We periodically get asked the question whether the CUBE ecosystem (CUBEOS and CUBE Apps, managed by CubeMC), could also be made to run on the Raspberry Pi hardware?

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Coming Inflection Point: Part 2

In our last post we reviewed how the computing industry dramatically changed after it reached its strategic inflection point. So let's take a look at the On-Hold and In-Store music industry, and see if anything looks familiar.

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CUBEOS is truly future proof with unsurpassed connectivity and hardware portability

CUBE OS is the world's most advanced system for remote management: It's been engineered specifically for forward-looking service providers who must remotely manage and maintain the network-connected equipment and appliances they've installed at their customer's premises.

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About CUBEOS and the CUBE name

CubeOS is designed for the service provider, who might have thousands of units deployed in the field, so they can have complete control over those devices remotely. With CubeOS, service providers can push updates remotely to units without customer intervention: those can be content updates, app updates, or even updates to CubeOS itself.

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The Coming Inflection Point: Part 1

Inflection points can be a result of action taken by a company, or through actions taken by another entity, that has a direct impact on the company. If a company successfully adjusts and takes the right path during this transformation period it can lead to a new level of growth and success.

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Change is Afoot in the On-Hold and In-Store Industry...

Exponential Solutions (The CUBE) recently delivered a highly popular keynote presentation on the coming inflection point and the future of On-Hold and In-Store services. We will be publishing a series of posts that explore the developments that are pushing the industry toward a critical strategic inflection point.

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The Future of on Hold and Music Delivery Has Already Arrived

The CUBE is the most advanced, independent and future-proof delivery platform for service providers and music suppliers who deliver music on hold, in store messaging, and interactive music solutions to business customers.

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Are you Short-Changing your Audio Marketing / Point-of-Contact Business?

You can either read this informative e-book as a Flipbook (New) or download it as a PDF (your choice). This e-book also includes a ready to go evaluation matrix that providers can use right away to make informed choices.

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Experience the sexiest and most powerful management interface, ever

CUBE is compatible with IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, on Windows, Mac and Linux. Many management functions are also available from iPad and various mobile devices.

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Do You Enjoy Aggravating Your Customers?

No matter what line of business you're in: **Customers are the life-blood of any business.** You work hard to make the phone ring, and to get customers to walk through your door. You train your staff to treat customers like royalty. And then, you mess it up, by making the following five mistakes.


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