What Can Smart Hold Do?
Smart Hold is an upgraded Music On Hold (MOH) solution. A Smart Hold interacts with callers while they are on-hold. Here are a few examples of what Smart Hold with CUBE.fusion can do!
Smart Hold is an upgraded Music On Hold (MOH) solution. A Smart Hold interacts with callers while they are on-hold. Here are a few examples of what Smart Hold with CUBE.fusion can do!
Having an amazing caller experience has never been easier...it’s become smart! We have created Fusion to help you give your callers a delightful caller experience.
Smart Hold is a way to show your callers YOU care about THEIR time. It is no secret that picking up the phone and calling a business can quickly become a frustrating endeavor. You spend time in so many areas to showcase your excellent customer service, so don’t forget to tend to what callers will first hear when they call you.
Don’t make your company seem like it’s in the 1970’s or 1980’s. Modernize your customer experience far more than making your lobby have digital signage for way finding, or a menu board at a restaurant.
One of the advantages to CUBE.fusion for BroadWorks is being able to have multiple messages for on-hold. Having multiple scripts will allow you to cross-sell, educate, and engage with customers. We can provide you with scripts, voice-overs, and planning on our end so that you can focus on what you do best. Read Now!
On-Hold Music has become a standard for businesses to use in their telephone system, but it’s important to understand why it’s used, and how to use it correctly to achieve positive results.
This post addresses the issues surrounding the topic of audio quality on VoIP and cellphones, white noise bursts, G.711, G.729 and so forth.
Here we expand on this bottom-up research by reviewing the challenges and pain points for businesses and retailers where it comes to the desires of Joe Consumer and the implications for the on hold and in store industry.
Now that we've established that major, disruptive changes are afoot, lets focus on how best you can set yourself up for future success. In this third post, we'll thus take the bottom-up approach of reviewing the challenges and pain points from the consumer perspective.
In our last post we reviewed how the computing industry dramatically changed after it reached its strategic inflection point. So let's take a look at the On-Hold and In-Store music industry, and see if anything looks familiar.
Exponential Solutions (The CUBE) recently delivered a highly popular keynote presentation on the coming inflection point and the future of On-Hold and In-Store services. We will be publishing a series of posts that explore the developments that are pushing the industry toward a critical strategic inflection point.
The CUBE is the most advanced, independent and future-proof delivery platform for service providers and music suppliers who deliver music on hold, in store messaging, and interactive music solutions to business customers.