What Can Smart Hold Do?

Published on Dec 11, 2020

Smart Hold is an upgraded Music On Hold (MOH) solution. Most callers know what to expect when they call a business with MOH - repeated messages and classical music. A Smart Hold interacts with callers while they are on-hold. Here are a few examples of what Smart Hold with CUBE.fusion can do:

Callers Can Select Music Genre

Interactive On Hold Music allows callers to change the music they are listening to while on hold.

Callers Can Take part In Quizzes and Surveys

Include questions into your on-hold journey - this keeps callers entertained and allows you to gather valuable customer information.

Callers Can Listen to News Highlights

While on-hold, callers can elect to listen to real-time current event updates or summaries that are most relevant to them.

Intelligent Caller Greetings

CUBE.fusion knows what time it is, enabling callers to be greeted with a “good morning” or “good afternoon” tagged to your custom message paragraphs.

CUBE.fusion can ask callers common and necessary questions while waiting in the answering queue. The answers are displayed to the live agent before they answer the call. Live attendants can then assist callers more quickly.

On-hold callers can ask and answer FAQ’s without the assistance of a live agent - this quickly gets callers the answers they need, while allowing agents to focus on other caller inquiries.

On-Hold messages can be delivered in the language the caller selects.

While on hold, a caller can choose to be sent a link where they can download product information, or even the business’s application, to help decrease call traffic.

With Smart Hold, your clients can offer their callers an interactive, tailored On Hold experience!

How Can a Smart Hold Help You?

Caller Analytics

CUBE.fusion provides your customer with live analytics of who is On-Hold, how long they’ve been there, trends, and heat maps showing the entire journey of the call. Real data that gives you the information you need to make informed decisions! From staffing, training, to improving your call queue process.

Cloud-Based & Scalable

The cloud-based architecture of CUBE.fusion means it is easy to deploy, and easy to scale. Burstable capacity means every caller will receive a great and consistent experience. No hardware, and working in minutes of signing up.

Incremental Revenue

So how does CUBE.fusion benefit you, the Partner? You receive a generous portion of the revenue share from us for each client you add to the system. Plus, for every additional service feature your customer adds, your revenue share increases, even when we sell that additional service feature on your behalf! We would love the chance to show you how to make incremental revenue by introducing your clients to CUBE.fusion!

Dial 833-944-1110 to hear for yourself what a Smart Hold can do!

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