Terms of Use for Web Properties

The following web properties are owned by Exponential Solutions Inc. (hereafter referred to as the Company). The terms of use outlined in this document are applicable to all these websites, hereafter referred to as Company Websites.

Privacy Policy

Please refer to our privacy policy for information regarding how any personal information or data you (hereafter referred to as the User) may provide through activity and form submissions on Company Websites is used.

Terms of use agreement between the Company and the User

Intellectual Property Rights

All website content including but not limited to descriptions of services, descriptions of hardware, branding (text and logos for Exponential Solutions, CUBE, CUBEplaymore, CUBE MC, Revolution Music and CARMA) - are the property of the Company and may not be reproduced or used in any context without prior agreement between the user and the Company. Vector illustrations, icons and mascots are the property of the Company and may not be reproduced or used in any context.

Products and Services Terms

There is no commitment to purchasing, paying for or using any product or service provided by the Company as a result of the User making use of any Company Websites. Where interest in a product or service is indicated by the User, subsequent conversations between the User and the Company will establish the appropriate fees and duration of service. No form completed by the User on any of of the Company Websites will bind the User to any service agreement or hold them liable for any service fees, unless expressly followed up by conversations between the User and the Company resulting in an official agreement between both parties accompanied by the issue of a service contract.

Payment Terms

Payment terms are only applicable to products or services rendered to the User by the Company if such a relationship exists. It is not applicable to the User’s perusal, use or interaction with the Company on Company Websites. The User submitting a contact form or enquiry form on any of the Company Websites will not result in any payment obligation. Where a product or service contract exists between the User and the Compnany, the payment terms are made clear during initial onboarding conversations and the official service contract issued by the Company to the User upon agreement between both parties.

Guarantees and Warranties

Refer to this page for information about the warranty on CUBE player units acquired from the Company.

Limitation of Liability

None of the Company Websites display user-generated content such as comments or posts. The Company does not accept any liability for any statements made by the User alongside digital sharing of Company Website pages or blog posts accross social media networks, email, or other digital means.

Future Modifications

These terms of use may be periodically updated as applicable. Changes in terms and conditions for existing products or service agreements between the User and the Company will be communicated to the User through email and user interface notifications in the event that a product or service relationship exists between the User and the Company.

Rules of Conduct

The intended use of Company Websites is to present Company products and services, provide information to the User, and to provide the User with a means to indicate interest in or enquire about products or services by completing contact forms where appropriate. The User may use Company websites only for this intended purpose. The Company reserves the right to not respond to enquiries that contain profanities or derogatory language of any kind. The Company reserves the right to refuse further engagement with Users who do not adhere to these rules of conduct.

Governing Law

These terms of use are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and the laws of Canada applicable therein and treated in all respects as an Alberta contract. The parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Alberta and all courts competent to hear appeals therefrom.

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